Your Year is 85% Over…Now What?

Welcome to the first day of November. As we approach the final two months of the year, I'm struck by how quickly time has passed. Back in January, I reflected on how it felt like our year was 5% over before it even began.

Now with about 85% behind us, it seems as though there's not much left to work with. It may even leave us regretful for unaccomplished goals and dreams we never even acted on.

But today, I want to remind you that these last two months still hold so much potential – equivalent to FOUR 2-week sprints in fact. Incredible things can happen in just one sprint.

Take Andrew Greule, a recent Hustle Launchpad graduate (my 8-week program to help burnt out entrepreneurs start new businesses that bring back their passion). He launched his new media company from scratch in just two sprints!

Within a single month, he built a new website and revenue model, found a business partner, started a new documentary, and locked in a new client. This is in addition to winning his first swimming competition after a multi-year hiatus.

Imagine what you can achieve in four sprints. Things can change that quickly with enough intentionally, hard work, and the right system.

Similarly I launched an email Mind Mapping Course for beginners, completely revamped the Mind Map Nation website, and created a new Autumn collection of MMN swag in the same time period (oh more on this in next week’s Epiphany 🤫).

And let’s not limit ourselves to 2 weeks. How about picking yourself up today?

As the Stoic philosopher Epictetus says:

“Finally decide that you are an adult who is going to devote the rest of your life to making progress. The Olympics have started. Waiting is no longer an option. The chance for progress, to keep or lose, turns on the events of a single day.

It's up to you whether you'll make progress today or let another opportunity slip away. Regardless of holidays throughout the year, staying focused and conscious of your available time will maintain your forward growth momentum. There is no fixed beginning or end point except those we create ourselves.

If you're ready to make the best use of your remaining time or want to learn the productivity system that’s responsible for much of my success, join Mind Map Nation by Friday November 20th to be eligible to participate in our semi-annual Community Sprint from November 27th to December 10th. I only run these two times a year so don’t miss your last chance to make 2023 count!

Buckle in. You’ll be amazed by how much you can accomplish in just 2 weeks (plus your friends will wonder where you got all that renewed energy in the last month of the year when everyone else is running out of steam 😂).

Make the most of your mind maps

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