Knowing When to Change

Iโ€™ll keep things brief this week as Iโ€™m taking a much needed vacation with my family on a cruise from San Francisco to Mexico. The open ocean and slow waves have also given me space for my thoughts to wander.

One realization was that the extreme focus and discipline that carried me through the toughest time of my life this past half year might not be whatโ€™s needed to succeed in the upcoming phase.

This is akin to a startup CEO realizing that what worked bringing his company from zero to one isnโ€™t whatโ€™s needed to get from one to 1,000,000. In fact, if he doesnโ€™t adjust his strategy, those same assets may just become liabilities.

I donโ€™t know exactly what that looks like for myself yet, but I am in the process of mapping out whatโ€™s changed and how I can best update my mindset, heart space and approach.

This also involves identifying what I need to let go of in order to move into the new phase more seamlessly. I think itโ€™s a project well suited to the changing nature of the Autumn season.

Expect a future Epiphany on the topic once Iโ€™ve figured it out ;) ๐Ÿ™Œ

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