Why’s Now the Best Timing?
One Question to Escape Overwhelm
Last week, Google made headlines with another round of layoffs and a huge reorganization. The news sent shockwaves through the company, and one of my clients was particularly affected. Despite not being among those laid off, the stress of the situation was so overwhelming that she couldn't even muster a smile the whole week. She felt paralyzed, unable to process the situation. All she could do was take a day off, stay home and binge eat.
In our coaching session, I could tell that her mind was stuck, replaying a few thoughts: “this is the WORST, what if it happens to me, I’m screwed”. To break the cycle, I first reestablished her sense of security: "Did you get laid off?" When she answered "no", I encouraged her to shift her perspective by asking, "Why do you think this is the BEST time to be at Google and in your position?"
Suddenly, we were in the realm of possibility: the fact that she wasn’t laid off after two major cuts is a testament to her enduring value at the company; less people in the organization means more opportunities for promotion when things improve; if she were let go, her generous severance package could kick off the digital nomad lifestyle enjoyed by other laid off tech workers, and she would finally have the opportunity for self discovery.
This single wording flip changed everything.
The Power of Inverting Questions
I often use this question inversion technique to counteract our natural tendency to focus on the negative aspects of problems. Another of my clients working for the US subsidiary of a Chinese tech giant was grappling with the decision to move to China in order to fulfill a life-long dream. The backdrop was far from ideal: geopolitical strife, economic downturn, and a mass exodus of expats from the country. With layoffs happening left and right in other tech firms, he should have been grateful for his secure position.
His mind was teeming with a million reasons why right now was a bad idea despite his heart deeply yearning for the shift.
So I challenged him: "Why is now the BEST time to go to China?" and mapped out his responses.
Suddenly, his perspective shifted. He realized that China was brimming with AI potential, and the ongoing competition with the US could make his business experience in both worlds highly sought after, with the exodus of expats actually thinning his competition. Finally, this move could push him out of his comfort zone, propelling his personal growth to the next level. This single inverted question kicked off a line of thought that made his decision not only reasonable, but certain.
With this supercharged mindset, he approached his boss outlining his contributions and demands to the company, ready to leave if they didn't send him to Shenzhen within three months. Because his energy was resolute going into the meeting and his case was solid, his company took him seriously and they obliged.
The reality is that he had this leverage all along, but it wasn't until his mindset aligned with his intentions and actions that the floodgates of results finally opened. Now he’s planning his move to Shenzhen (with a Southeast Asia vacation beforehand), while feeling more free, happy, and empowered than ever.
Questions Direct Our Lives
The questions we ask ourselves direct our minds, which in turn influences our behavior and outcomes. Therefore, it’s crucial to ask empowering questions, not those that weaken us or add to our stress. Otherwise, our performance suffers and we end up creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.
Once my client made up his mind to go, the million "why not" reasons no longer mattered. He became resourceful, finding creative ways to overcome those very challenges. Instead of being paralyzed by doubt, fear and uncertainty, he found freedom, happiness, and empowerment simply by flipping one question around.
I'm applying this principle myself. There are countless reasons why I shouldn't be launching a high-ticket coaching program right now*. I'm in the midst of personal upheavals, moving from SF to Houston, grappling with the rise of AI and automation, facing an uncertain economic climate, and juggling three businesses. But it's also the BEST time to do it, because it proves that my system works - that I’m able to do all this despite the challenges.
Look, uncertainty and setbacks are facts of life. Yet the facts don’t matter for the committed. We just get more resourceful. If we want something badly enough, we will make it work. Rather than asking life to spare us from pain and uncertainty, we could ask for the strength, courage, and wisdom to overcome them. In the end, we thrive because of our obstacles.
So if you’re going through a tough time or been sitting on the fence on something, then I challenge you ask the same question: Why is now the best time?
Write or map it out. Send it to me. I’d love to know what you’re working on.
*My new program helps burnt out entrepreneurs launch their dream side hustle, something that brings the passion and energy back into their lives, in as little as 10 weeks with minimal chaos and disorganization, even if they’re already swamped with all their obligations. It’s the course I’ve always wanted to teach, combining my experience bringing dozens of ideas to market and everything I’ve taught around project management.
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