New Journal Practice
Research has again and again shown that our success is heavily dependent on our mindsets. Yet our natural bias towards problem solving often ends up telling our minds that our lives are full of problems. It doesn't help that we live in a society that capitalizes on our insecurities. Add negative self-talk and critics at work and home, it's hardly surprising that many of us feel overwhelmed, despite being surrounded by abundance and opportunities.
To counteract these negative effects on my mindset, I began a daily morning journaling practice of noting down one entry of each of the following:
Something I'm proud of from any point in time in my life in my Brag Book. The goal is to remind myself that I AM capable by celebrating and reliving my wins.
Something I'm grateful for in my Gratitude Journal. The goal is to reset my "appreciation baseline" to a level where I'm happy with what I have.
This two-pronged approach gives me home base where I am and have enough, while empowering me to go beyond my comfort zone and pursue what I truly want. So each month I'll share my entries in addition to my normal essays in hopes of inspiring you too of remembering your wins and reaffirming your sources of contentment.
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