Simplify Your Life in 4 Steps (without Apps)

Elegance is elevated Simplicity.

It’s the performance of a function using the fewest parts. It is the purest manifestation of intention without any extraneous steps and components.

The first step in simplifying anything is to deconstruct or break it down to its subcomponents. Then it’s a matter of determining which parts to streamline or eliminate. You can do this with just a Mind Map.

Mapping Prompts:

  • What areas of my life do I want to simplify the most?

  • How would I feel if they were simplified?

  • What makes them complex?

  • Which parts can I streamline or eliminate?

Simplify Map Template:

💡 Instructions:

  1. Put “Simplify” as the central topic. List the top 3 Areas in your life you want to simplify.

  2. For each Area, make a “Why?” node that splits into Hell and Heaven. Under Hell, map out how you feel when you’re overwhelmed in this Area and how it bleeds into other parts of your life. Under Heaven, map out how your life would fundamentally improve if this Area were less complicated. Review this node often to keep motivated throughout the simplifying process.

  3. Break down each Area into its Components and further break them out into Actionable Goals.

  4. Step back and number each Component and Actionable Goals by their priority. This could be based on pain level, urgency, ease of elimination, etc.

Here’s an example:

Area: Work


  • Hell: Constant stress, working overtime, neglecting personal life, no focus, can’t get things done

  • Heaven: Better work-life balance, increased productivity, more energy for hobbies, love and engage with life more


  1. Emails (P1)

    1. Time block 1-2pm for checking emails

    2. Implement inbox zero method

  2. Meetings (P2)

    1. Reduce meeting durations by creating an agenda template

    2. Implement no-meeting days on Fridays

  3. Tasks (P3)

    1. Adopt the To-Do Mind Map every morning

    2. Time and track my tasks using Pomodoros

That's it! Congrats - you now have a clear roadmap to simplify the most important areas of your life. By breaking down each area into components and actionable goals, you've created a practical plan to bring more ease and efficiency to your daily routine.

Whatever you do...get it out of your head and map it out!

What part of your life do you think will benefit the most from this simplification process?

🫶 If you found this mind map helpful, why not share it with a friend who could use it too!


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