Hope or Anxiety - Choice is Yours

Beware of what you’re drawing from the future.

Every new beginning starts with Hope. Hope is like a bank that you draw activation energy and motivation from the Future. But if you don’t put in the work, you’ll go eventually bankrupt.

The Future is also the source of anxiety. Be aware of which currency you’re drawing out.

Mapping Prompts:

  • What positive future am I creating?

  • How am I working towards my goals today?

  • What are my biggest worries about the future?

  • What are my worries based on?

Future Map Template:

✍️ Instructions:

  1. Put “My Future” as the central topic. Break it out into Vision on the top and Resistance on the bottom.

  2. List your top 3 Dreams. These are the positive futures that you want to achieve within the next year. Remember we can only focus on so many things at a time. Too many Dreams and you won’t make any of them reality.

  3. Map out ONE Actionable Goal that you can achieve in roughly 2 weeks for each Dream. Be specific on how and when you will take action on them! They don’t all have to be done within the next 2 weeks, but the mapping process will help you visualize your game plan. The point is to gain momentum right away.

  4. List your top 3 Worries and identify their underlying Sources. Often we discover that our biggest worries aren’t real blockers once we break them apart. If they are real blockers, then consider using one of your Actionable Goals to address them.

That’s it! Congrats - you now have a visual of how you’ll take action on your positive futures as well as a breakdown of your worries to analyze and eliminate.

Whatever you do…get it out of your head and map it out!

Do you have other methods to help overcome anxieties of the future?

🫶 If you found this mind map helpful, why not share it with a friend who could use it too!


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