2 Weeks to Change Your Life


I only run this course LIVE 2x a year

Don’t miss out.

β€œFinally decide that you are an adult who is going to devote the rest of your life to making progress. The Olympics have started. Waiting is no longer an option. The chance for progress, to keep or lose, turns on the events of a single day.”

- Epictetus

Does this sound like you…

  1. Find yourself procrastinating on important tasks, even when you know they're crucial for your success?

  2. Feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of projects and responsibilities on your plate?

  3. Start projects with gusto but lose momentum and motivation halfway through?

  4. Constantly battle with fear of failure and imposter syndrome, preventing you from taking action?

  5. Struggle with time management and find it challenging to prioritize your tasks effectively?

  6. Feel like you're stuck in a rut, unable to make progress in your personal or work life?

  7. Tend to overthink and overanalyze, leading to decision paralysis and inaction?

  8. Find it difficult to stay focused and easily get sidetracked by distractions and unimportant tasks?

Here’s the good news. You’re far from alone.

In the next 14 Days, you will overcome every resistance you’ve ever felt in pursuing your dreams.

Imagine starting that project you've been putting off for months, finally tackling those important tasks, and making significant strides in your personal and professional life. Picture yourself feeling energized, focused, and motivated.

That's the power of the 2-Week Sprint. This is the same proven system has helped the world’s biggest companies 10x their productivity and countless individuals, like Andrew Greule, achieve remarkable things in a short period.

In just one month, Andrew launched a new company from scratch, built a website, found a business partner, started a documentary, and landed a new client – all while winning his first swimming competition after a multi-year hiatus.

The Sprint System is designed to help you break free from procrastination, overcome fear and self-doubt, and develop laser-sharp focus. You'll learn how to prioritize effectively, manage your time, and stay motivated throughout your journey.

This program combines powerful productivity techniques with a supportive community to keep you accountable and on track. You'll have access to exclusive resources, live Q&A sessions, and a network of like-minded individuals who are also committed to making progress.

Don't let another opportunity slip away. Join the Sprint program today and experience the transformation for yourself. In just two weeks, you'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish when you have the right tools, mindset, and support.

As the Stoic philosopher Epictetus reminds us, "The chance for progress, to keep or lose, turns on the events of a single day." Make the decision to devote yourself to progress, starting NOW.

Enroll in the Sprint Program and make the most of the time you have left this year. Your dreams are waiting – it's time to make them a reality.

I only run this course LIVE 2x a year

Don’t miss out.


What you’ll get

A complete productivity system to supercharge your progress whenever you want


Valuable guidance from Sheng and support from a vibrant community of likeminded, ambitious people


Access to ALL Mind Map Nation courses including Empowering Mind Maps and 7-Day Mind Map Mastery

Flex your MMN Membership!

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