Anyone Can Be Our Teacher

I was going through a huge dilemma when deciding to stay in London, taking a new role in Beijing or returning to the US. I sought the counsel of one of my mentors Mark Evans. Mark is a former partner at Balderton Capital (Europe’s best venture capital firm), former Goldman Sachs Asia chairman and an ex-Olympic rower. He is an absolute badass. But what impresses me most about Mark is his wisdom and ability to judge people. I’ve learned important lessons during every conversation with him, and this time was no different.

We were finishing our brunch and were about to leave when he suddenly stopped by the hostess at her computer and asked what payment system she was using and how she liked it. This seemingly off-the-cuff question turned into a 5 minute chat about how the system worked, integrated, and her positive and negative feedback about it. As we were heading out the door, Mark turned to me and said,

“Remember, anyone can be your teacher”.

It’s funny how that particular lesson stuck while the importance of my personal crisis at the time has muted over time. Since then, I’ve harnessed my own curiosity to pause, observe, ask questions, and ultimately connect with many people I’ve come across. Eventually, I found it to be as simple as being present and actively listening to the person you’re talking to, asking why or for more details, and taking a genuine interest in their story.

Here are a few examples…

  • An evolutionary biology researcher: how botanical databases are being updated via an app that leverages the crowdsourced efforts of amateur naturalists.

  • A CSI officer: how augmented reality can be used for cracking detective cases.

  • My high school friend who works 3 jobs: how hard it is for many Americans to get by, much less save for retirement. During the height of the pandemic, he caught Covid, was hospitalized, and had to return to work ASAP in order to make ends meet.

  • A homeless woman who lived in her car for the past week: how cold it can get at night without insulating shelter and the toll it took on her psyche.

Everyone has a unique story. By taking the time to listen to them, we just might be able to learn something and build a little empathy along the way.


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