Epiphany Mapping

Offload Thoughts. Unlock Insights. Achieve More.

You Are Here For Breakthroughs

To become a high-impact thinker and innovative problem solver who sees connections others miss. To effortlessly connect the dots between your vast knowledge and diverse interests, turning scattered thoughts into opportunities and action plans. We're here to help you unlock the epiphanies hiding in plain sight - in your career and personal life - so you can turn your mental landscape into a launchpad for success.

Choose Your Own Journey

Map Your Success

Impact Driven Professionals

"I want to transform my diverse knowledge and life experiences into epiphanies and breakthrough solutions, cutting through mental clutter to turn my thoughts into confident decisions and intentional actions."

Global High Achievers

"I've achieved success by conventional standards, but I'm seeking deeper fulfillment and purpose. I want to align my global experiences and professional skills with what I truly care about, while growing roots to expand my impact.”

Customized Corporate Programs

"I want to equip my team or company with a transformative systems thinking approach, to create visual insights that turn complexity into breakthrough solutions and actionable strategies."

When Achieving Our Goals…

There’s always a gap between expectations and reality.

But doesn’t have to be messy.

The Epiphany Mapping Method

Elevate Your Thinking ➡ Elevate Your Results

1. Offload Thoughts

Declutter your mind. Lay out your ideas visually, break complexity down into simpler parts, and get fresh perspectives.

2. Unlock Insights

Connect the dots, evaluate your options , and discover insights hidden in plain sight. Let your map guide you to brilliant 'aha' moments.

3. Achieve More

Move from insight to impact. Use your new epiphanies to craft intention-aligned strategies and actionable plans to maximize real-world results.

I’m Sheng Huang

I help high-achieving professionals, leaders, and learners elevate their thinking to unlock breakthrough insights, take inspired action, and achieve remarkable results aligned with their intentions.

As a former strategist for Google and Niantic Labs (creators of Pokemon Go), I've navigated complex challenges in fast-paced, high-stakes environments. This experience led me to develop The Epiphany Mapping Method - a powerful visual systems thinking technique for transforming mental chaos into clarity.

Combined with cutting-edge productivity frameworks that has generated billions in the tech industry, Epiphany Mappers harness their unique perspectives and expertise to see what others miss and do what others can't. They think strategically, act decisively, and amplify their impact - stepping into their full potential in both professional and personal spheres.

“Sheng’s Epiphany Mapping has become an essential business tool I use daily to make critical decisions and line myself up for success. All my teams use Maps to to deliver results with precision and clarity.”

Elyas Popa, Citi Bank Associate Vice President | Owner Oti NYC Restaurant | Cofounder Zachary Elyas Gallery | Human Rights Network Founder

“Every day, I rely on Sheng's resources to plan, focus, and reflect. I was burnt out and overwhelmed. But his practical tools helped me get back on track with more intentionality and confidence.

Alicia Burke, Entrepreneur & Tech Marketer

“The more I Epiphany Map with Sheng, the more I appreciate the opportunities for better thinking, living, and being.

Lewis Holland, Google Program Manager & former British Air Force Global Team Leader

Start Epiphany Mapping today with the FREE 5-Day Crash Course.

I think everyone should be empowered with this mental superpower and sprint towards their dreams. Upon completion, you’ll receive the entire course as a 40-page ebook. This is my way of giving you the friendly kick you need.

The Monthly Epiphany

Join 30,000+ getting new breakthrough ideas and frameworks every month. Get clarity, unlock potential, and achieve what truly matters.

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